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Updated 2024


  Sailpane Calc Cruciform Tail 
                     May, 2016 version - A compilation of sailplane design and component sizing calculators. MS Excel file.
                      Please read the accompanying article I wrote for RCSD.
         Now In French!  Translation Paul Bizard January 2015

  Sailplane Calc V-Tail
October, 2011 version - Same as file above but for V-Tail models.  MS Excel file.
                      Please read the accompanying article I wrote for RCSD.

  Convert a Cruciform Tail to a V-Tail and Vice-Versa
                    July, 2010 version.  Works in Decimal and Metric units.

  Flying Wing Calc 
                    Calculate Balance Point and Wing Twist using Dr. Panknin's formulas.
                    Now automatically estimates winglet size.
                    Now able to calculate a wing with three tapers!
                    June, 2016, version.  MS Excel file.
                    Please read the accompanying article I wrote for RCSD.
                    Note:  For Plank Flying Wings, See Below:

  Flying Wing Calc for Planks 
                    Easily find a balance location for a safe first test flight!
                    July, 2010, version.  MS Excel file.
                    Please read the accompanying article I wrote for RCSD.

  ALES-F5J-RES-TALES Scoring Spreadsheetss
                    Jul, 2019 version - Updated TALES to match the updated 2019 rules.
                    This is a fixed Matrix scoring spreadsheet for MS Excel that is for contests up to 60
                    pilots, five flight groups and 12 rounds for ALES, F5J, F3-RES and TALES contests.
                    LSF Contest Point Scoring is automatically filled in for easy submission!
                    Please read the accompanying article I wrote for RCSD.
                    Note:  TALES rules at the Greater Detroit Soaring website , RCGroups threads and or
                               here for a pdf file:

                   ALES5J Scoring Spreadsheet 
                      This is a scoring spreadsheet for a contest format the Helena Flying Tigers have been flying since mid-2019. 
                      This is flown and scored just like an ALES event but with a height scoring point reduction.  Launch lower and achieve
                       less of a point reduction.  The idea was brought upon by the simplicity of holding an ALES event vs the complexities
                       of equipment required for full F5J even when in smaller venues. 

  ALES Timing Files (mp3)
                    July, 2011 version - Four audio files for your .mp3 player in 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 minute countdown for practicing
                    Altitude Limited Electric Soaring tasks.

  ALES/F5J Self Timing Contest Files (mp3) 
                    June, 2018 version - Audio files for your .mp3 player for tasks ranging from 6 through 15 minutes.
                    This allows small contests to run as one Group.  Example:  6 pilots in attendance and instead of flying two groups of
                    3  and 3 you can all fly as one group of 6.  That's half as many trips to the flightline!
                    Includes a 1 minute prep countdown, countdown the entire flight and a 30 second countdown at the end of the task
                    for ALES.  Also includes a 1 minute silence for prep time to the next flight.  

  Foam Cutter Calc 
                    Automated Foam Cutter Calculator to find the attachment point for a tapered wing. 
                    Works in Decimal and Metric units.  MS Excel file.
                    Please read the accompanying article I wrote for RCSD.
       A revised version was sent to my by Pierina Pucce in Peru.  He wrote:  We added the Table and the ability to add
                    the new cutting info, in order to be able to select the correct settings quickly. When you cut so many
                    different lengths, the ‘fine tuning’ of the voltage and amps can make all the difference in the world between a 
                    perfectly cut wing profile and one ‘that’ll work’. MS Excel (.xlsm) file.

  Aileron - Flap Mix i.e. Differential Setup 
                    Here is an Excel spreadsheet that will aid the pilot of setting up deflections of the trailing edge of a 4-6 servo wing
                    for as close to an elliptical lift distribution as possible. 

  Sink Rate 
                    Here is a spreadsheet for GPS Triangle Racing that easily allows the pilot to fly many triangles with different cambes
                    settings to determine the best sink rate.

  Dr. Drela and Joe Wurts Wing Joiner Calc
                    Includes Rod or Blade type joiners.  I Updated to add estimated Load Factor for an electric model. 

  Servo Torque Calc
                    Courtesy of Chuck Gadd 
                    Estimates Torque required for R/C Flying models.

  Two Scale Balance Calc
                    A very accurate way of determing the balance point of a model measured aft of the wings leading edge.
                    Courtey RoyDor RCGroups

  Glider Tuning Stand Plans
                    This is a small quick and easy to assemble/disassemble model stand to get the wings trailing edge off of the ground
                     while programming your transmitter.  (.dxf and .pdf files).  by Jim Loughran and Curtis Suter
                    --Giorgos Stratakis modified the stand and kindly provided his updated .dwg file.  Thanks!

  Real Flight Models and Flying Fields
There is a SupergeeII and Red Merle (eSupra) model and a couple nice thermal flying fields. 
                    These complement Joe Wurts "Third Vector" on the Articles page of this website.

  Switchjack and Mini Switch Jack
                     How to make a Swithjack for low power R/C operations, such as a DLG.

  Estimating Electric Model Flight Time
                    February, 2007 version - Calculate electric model flight time.  MS Excel file.

  Helicopter Governer Mode Curve Setup
                    July 16, 2006 version - Easy setup for transmitter throttle curves.  MS Excel file


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